
Give Account On The Completion Of The SUG Football Competition — Press Council

Transparency and accountability has always and would be the major feature of a good government. Governance is the tool in achieving the will of the state. It is by governance that we define the ideas, intentions, wills of the people and of the state which after been identified, posed is achieved.

What exactly does it mean to be accountable? What exactly does it mean to be transparent? You are transparent when everybody see what you do. Why everybody can attest to your dealings and operations. When the public you hold the office for are aware of all that goes within the office. What does it take or mean to be accountable. Accountability is the ability to be responsive and responsible in financial matters. When prudence is the watchword that guides your path in spending. When you can respond to any question that relates to money directed to you. But a government who seemingly fails on these various aspects of governance is close to a bad government.

In a situation where the administration of a particular government lacks check, such administration is likely to be abused. The successes and failures of this SUG 2017/2018 administration cannot be kept undertone, rather should be made known to the public who are the recipients. [adinserter name=”Block 3″][adinserter name=”Block 2″]

The Students’ Union Government football competition stopped abruptly after there was a turbulent in one of the matches between Accountancy department and Mechanical department. It should be circumspectly noticed that ever since then, nothing has been heard from the Sport Director, who hold the highest office in the organization of the competition.

Whether or not the competition would continue, remains rhetoric. Whether the participants would be awarded in any manner also remains rhetoric. Whether the money paid for obtaining the forms would be refunded is just as good as fantasy?. And accountability on the submitted and approved fund for the competition.

It should be recalled that earlier to the competition, Public Administration department backed out of the competition after several controversies were raised concerning the finance of the competition. (Which the Union President and Sport Director made some clarifications on).

However, we are not in a draconian or military rule where the rulers are unchecked but it is a democratic dispensation where the public should be acquainted to the process of governance.

The Press Council Polytechnic, Ibadan demands that the Students’ Union Sport Director 2017/18 session give account on the completion of the competition. Official release for ending the competition —if true and compensations and reward for the participants. As this is part of our dividend of Democracy.

Long live the Polytechnic, Ibadan! Long Live Oyo State Institutions!! Long live Nigeria!!!

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3 Comments on Give Account On The Completion Of The SUG Football Competition — Press Council

  1. What do they have to say everything is all about scam, after all they call it KOSELERI and now it has sele!

  2. They just scattered everything

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  1. Letter to Malik (SUG Sport Director) | PolyIbadan Arena

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