
Fat Or Slim – Who Needs Exercise?

Exercise is a physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness and it is necessary for well being except there is a case of special disability. Apart from being fit, there are other benefits of exercise and these include muscular health, cardio vascular health, in terms of contractility as well as releasing of stress and so on.

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In a psychological perspective, both the slim non-exerciser and fat non-exerciser have a high potential of suffering from or have bad health condition such as heart failure and other heart related sickness. It is therefore seen that, to maintain a heart, one has to achieve aerobic fitness or be informed in order form of exercise like cycling, joggling and others.[adinserter name=”Block 3″][adinserter name=”Block 2″]

A good exercise session will benefit an individual whether slim or fat and such benefits include:

  • ==>Increased Stamina: In a long term of exercising, an individual will enjoy reduced fatigue and increased stamina.
  • ==>Boost Immunity: Exercise activate immune system and leaves you less susceptible to minor illness such as flu, cold and others.
  • ==>Breakdown of Excess Pound: An aerobic exercise and a good diet can help you to lose weight.
  • ==>Increase cognitive Function: Exercise help to keep the mind sharp and keep muscle stronger especially in older adult.
  • ==>Management of Chronic Condition: Exercise helps in controlling blood pressure, lowering high blood pressure and prevent subsequent heart attacks.

Consequently, whoever wants to live long and stay free from bad health condition must engage in aerobic exercise such as jogging, walking and taking a good diet.

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5 Comments on Fat Or Slim – Who Needs Exercise?

  1. I need exercise

  2. fat need exercise more than slim

  3. everyone needs it

  4. Exercise is mainly for every human, being fat or slim is just nature. One might be fat and be more fit than a slim person who doesn’t.. and vice versa..

  5. Everybody needs it. we knew it right. You are rich or poor we need it.

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